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Flower Essences Questionnaire
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Flower Essences Questionnaire
Flower Essences Questionnaire
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Do you find yourself hiding worries behind a cheerful, smiling face in an attempt to conceal your pain from others?
Are you distressed by arguments and quarrels, often "giving in" in to avoid any conflict?
When you feel life's pressures weighing you down, do you often turn to drugs, alcohol or other outside influences to help you cope?
Are you annoyed by the habits and shortcomings of others?
Do you find yourself being overly-critical and intolerant, usually looking for what someone has done wrong and not right?
Do you prefer to work or be alone because the seeming foolishness of others irritates you?
Are you unable to say no to those who constantly impose upon your good nature?
Do you tend to be timid and shy, easily influenced by those stronger in nature than yourself?
Do you often deny your own needs in order to please others?
Do you have feelings of apprehension, anticipation or uneasiness with no known cause?
Do you worry that something bad may happen but you're not sure what?
Do you awaken with a sense of fear and anxiety of what the day will bring?
Bleeding Heart
Do you feel devastated or broken-hearted by a relationship which has ended?
Has a family member or friend recently died, resulting in intense feeling of grief and loneliness?
Do you often find yourself in troubled relationships, especially ones in which you feel rejected?
Do you need a lot of security in personal relationships, or become emotionally dependent on attention from others?
Do you constantly question your own decisions and judgment?
Are you often seeking advice and confirmation from other people, mistrusting your own judgment?
Do you change direction often, first going one way then another because you lack the confidence in yourself to stick with one direction?
Cherry Plum
Do you fear losing control of yourself?
Are you afraid of hurting yourself or others?
Do you have a tendency to act irrationally and violently, exploding into unexplained fits of rage and anger?
Crab Apple
Are you obsessed with cleanliness?
Are you embarrassed and ashamed of yourself physically, finding yourself unattractive?
Do you tend to concentrate on small physical conditions, such as pimples or marks neglecting more serious problems?
Do you become discouraged and depressed when things go wrong?
Are you easily disheartened when faced with difficult situations?
Does your pessimistic attitude prevent you from making an effort to accomplish something?
Chestnut Bud
Do you find yourself making the same mistake over and over again such as choosing the wrong type of partner or staying in a job you dislike?
Do you fail to learn from your experiences?
Does it take you longer to advance in your life because you are slow to learn from past mistakes?
Are you currently experiencing a great deal of stress or upheaval in your life, requiring you to rally all the inner strength and positive identity you can muster?
Do you feel somehow numb or devoid of true identity, as though life is so painful it's hard to be really present for it?
Have you experienced a situation which was so abusive or assaulting that you feel robbed of your essential dignity or self- respect, either recently or in the past?
Golden Ear Drops
Is it hard for you to recall much about your childhood, perhaps suppressing painful experiences you don't want to remember?
Do you find it hard to cry, because you learned a long time ago to hold back your real feeling?
Are you often haunted or troubled by memories from childhood, and wish to bring deeper awareness and understanding to your early experiences?
Are you possessive and manipulative of those you care for?
Do you need to be needed?
Do you feel unloved and unappreciated by your loved ones after all you've done for them?
Are you often overwhelmed by your responsibilities?
Do you feel inadequate when it comes to dealing with the tasks ahead of you?
Do you become depressed when faced with your everyday commitments?
Do you feel despondent and hopeless, at the end of your rope both mentally and physically?
Do you lack confidence that things will get better in your life and therefore make no effort to improve your circumstances?
Do you believe that nothing can be done to relieve your pain and suffering?
Do you often feel spacey and out of touch with the real world?
Do you find yourself preoccupied and dreamy, unable to concentrate for any length of time?
Are you drowsy and listless, sleeping more often than necessary?
Evening Primrose
Do you often feel unwanted or unloved, tracing these feeling back to your earliest childhood memories?
Do you frequently feel emotionally cold or distant in relationships, as through it's hard for you to feel love from others or to express it in return?
Were you an adopted child, or did your mother have a great deal of conflict or stress while pregnant with you?
Are you totally self-absorbed, concerned only about yourself and your own problems and ailments?
Do you talk incessantly, not interested in what anyone else has to say?
Do you dislike being alone, always seeking the companionship of others?
Are you full of jealousy and hate?
Do you mistrust others intentions, feeling that people have "ulterior motives"?
Do you feel great anger toward other people?
Do you feel deep gloom which seems to quickly descend for no apparent reason and lifts just as suddenly?
Do you feel your moods swinging back and forth?
Do you fell depressed without knowing why?
For Women: Are you currently experiencing great doubt or conflict in choosing between having a family or developing your career?
For Women: Are you infertile, or have you recently experienced a miscarriage or abortion, causing you to reconsider or resolve your feelings about pregnancy and motherhood?
Are you ambivalent or confused about how to focus your creativity, especially between values or career and home, or personal and social involvement?
Do you find yourself living in the past, nostalgic and homesick for the "way it was"?
Are you unable to change present circumstances because you are always looking back and never forward?
Are you dissatisfied with your accomplishments?
Are you exhausted but feel the need to struggle on against all odds?
Do you have a strong sense of duty and dependability, carrying on no matter what obstacles stand in your way?
Do you neglect your own needs in order to complete a task?
Red Chestnut
Are you excessively concerned and worried for your loved ones?
Do you constantly worry that harm may come to those you care for?
Are you distressed and disturbed by other people's problems?
Do you often feel too tired to face the day ahead?
Do you feel overworked or bored with your life?
Do you lack enthusiasm and therefore tend to procrastinate?
Do you feel utterly and completely exhausted, both physically and mentally?
Are you totally drained of all energy with no reserves left, finding it difficult to carry on?
Is everything an effort, does your life lack zest?
Rock Rose
Do you feel terror and panic?
Do you become helpless and frozen in the face of your fear?
Do you suffer from nightmares?
Are you impatient and irritable with others who seem to do things too slowly for you?
Do you prefer to work alone?
Do you feel a sense of urgency in everything you do, always rushing to get through things?
Are you full of guilt and self-reproach?
Do you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, including the mistakes of others?
Do you set overly high standards for yourself, never satisfied with your achievement?
Rock Water
Are you inflexible in your approach to life, always striving for perfection?
Are you so rigid in your ideals you deny yourself the simple pleasure of life?
Are you overly concerned with diet, exercise, work and spiritual disciplines?
Do you lack self-confidence?
Do you feel inferior and often become discouraged?
Are you so sure that you will fail and therefore do not even attempt things?
Pink Monkeyflower
Do you suffer from intense feelings of shame or vulnerability, feeling you need to protect yourself from exposure to others?
Were you deeply wounded or violated in the past, so much so that it's hard for you to take emotional risk with others?
Is it hard for others in touch the deepest feelings in your heart, as though you feel wary or even fearful of their intentions?
Do you have fears of known things, i.e. illness, death, pain, heights, darkness, the dentist, etc.?
Are you shy, overly sensitive and often afraid?
When you are confronted with a frightening situation do you become too paralyzed to act?
Star of Bethlehem
Have you suffered a shock in your life such as an accident, loss of a loved one, terrible news, illness?
Are you numbed or withdrawn as a result of recent traumatic events in your life?
Have you suffered a loss or grief that you have never recovered from?
Do you tend to be domineering and overbearing?
Do you feel the need to always be right?
Are you inflexible and feel you know more than anyone else?
Wild Oat
Do you find yourself in a complete state of uncertainty over major life decisions?
Are you displeased with your lifestyle and feel dissatisfied with your achievement?
Do you have ambition but feel that life is passing you by?
Sweet Chestnut
Do you suffer from extreme mental anguish?
Do you feel that you have reached the limits of what you could possibly endure?
Do you feel as though the future holds nothing for you?
White Chestnut
Do you find your head full of persistent, unwanted thoughts that prevent concentration?
Do you relive unhappy events or arguments over and over again?
Are you unable to sleep at times because your mind seems to be cluttered with mental arguments that go round and round?
Do you feel resentful and bitter?
Do you have difficulty forgiving and forgetting?
Do you feel life is unfair and find yourself taking less and less interest in the things you used to enjoy?