Posted on January 03 2017
My weight loss journey started in late July early August of 2012. While at home one evening I stumbled upon the show at my 600Ib life. I saw women that was half my age struggling with weight loss and even the threat of death. I promised myself that I was going to make a change. I walked in the doors of Decalo Weight Loss on August 9, 2012 and decided that was the first day of the rest of my life.
I walked out with a new lease on life. I knew that I could do this. The start was dicey, but I kept at it. I slowly started to see the weight coming off... in my mind it should have been a faster process. I would remind myself that I did not get to that size in a day. By the end of 2012, all of my family and friends noticed a different me! That was just the motivation I needed to continue. So, I walked more, added exercise to my routine and kept at it. I would try new low calorie recipes weekly to keep from being bred with the same old stuff.
I could go on about the things I did to take the weight off; but it is much of the same rhetoric. I would say to anyone that is trying to start a weight loss journey just three things. 1. You have to do this for you! This is about you and no one else. 2. Do not get discouraged. It is not easy, but nothing working having ever is. 3. Support is essential, I had my family behind me and I had a team at Decalo Wight Loss. I would not have been successful without Ms. Tish and Ms. Kathy. They were my personal cheerleaders.